Investments and Planned Giving


For some parishioners it is tax advantagous to donate appreciated investments to the parish instead of monatory gifts.  Some examples include:

Transfer Ownership of Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Fund Shares 

Receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full market value of the securities transferred.  In addition, pay no capital gains tax on the difference between the cost and the fair market value.  Since St. Mary is a tax-exempt organization, it does not pay capital gains tax, either.  

Required Minimum Distributions / Qualified Charitable Distribution

Parishioners aged 70.5 and older may be required to take minimum distributions from their retirement accounts.  Under the new tax laws, many have also seen deductions reduced on their 2018 return.  If you're taking the standard deduction, please consult your tax and investment advisors about using a Qualified Charitable Distribution to reduce taxable income and maximize the tax benefit for your St. Mary Catholic Faith Community contributions.

Real Estate or Life Insurance Polices with Cash value

Contact the Parish Office regarding your specific circumstances. 


Planned Giving

The St. Mary Catholic Faith Community Endowment Fund exists to ensure the legacy of the Parish and School for generations to come.  Unless specifically instructed otherwise in writing by the donor, legacy gifts will be utilized to strengthen the resources of our Endowment fund and advance its mission.  See Planned Giving for further details.


Gifts of Appreciated Stock

Planned Giving Brochure

Instructions for Giving

Frequently Asked Questions

Gifts from Retirement Accounts




Checking or Savings
Automatic Withdrawal

Cash or Check

Credit or Debit

Investments and Planned Giving

(414) 622-1082

Contact Us

Daniel Hansen
Director of Administrative Services
(414) 425-2174, ext. 216