Checking or Savings Automatic Withdrawal

Make a one-time gift or set-up automatic withdrawal using a checking or savings account.  Electronic withdrawals from a designated checking or savings account may be scheduled for the 1st or 15th of the month.

Electronic withdrawal from a checking or savings account option is St. Mary's preferred method of giving because it allows the total sum of the contribution to be utilized.  Other forms of giving, credit cards, debit cards or online giving, typically come with convenience fees which are deducted from the contribution before St. Mary receives your support.

 To set up automatic withdrawals:

  1. Print and complete the Contribution Authorization Form.
  2. When finished, return the completed form to the Parish Office or basket, along with a voided check. 

Printed copies of the Contribution Authorization Form are also available before and after all Masses each weekend in the Information Center.



Instructions for Giving

Frequently Asked Questions


Cash or Check

Checking or Savings
Automatic Withdrawal


Credit or Debit

Investments & Planned Giving

(414) 622-1082



 Contribution Authorization Form


Contact Us  

Nancy Schwemmer
Financial Administrative Assistant
414-425-2174, ext. 223