Adult Confirmation

Our Adult Confirmation program is designed for the adult who is a baptized Catholic and is exploring a commitment to faith in Christ through the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Purpose of the Program

Confirmation, to be an authentic commitment, requires three areas of awareness and growth.  Simply expressed these are:

  • A genuine friendship with God—in a special way, with the person of Jesus. We study the person of Jesus by reflecting on Scripture and discovering ways to apply these insights and lessons to our everyday life.
  • A deeper understanding of Catholic Faith.  As Catholics we share a unique tradition that invites us to proclaim the Word, to celebrate through community worship, to serve as Jesus taught us to serve.
  • A time to reflect on your life.  Your maturity and awareness of your own life will allow you to freely choose Confirmation as a step in your faith journey.

Christian Initiation (RCIA)

If you are an adult who has never been baptized, or is baptized in another faith tradition, and you are seeking Confirmation in the Catholic Church, please visit our page about the Rite of Christian Initiation for more information.

Contact Us

Jeff Kacala 
(414) 425-2174 Ext. 235