Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA is a process for welcoming new members into the Catholic Church.

RCIA is for adults who have not been baptized, were baptized in another Christian faith tradition, or were baptized in the Catholic faith, but did not make their first communion.

Volunteer Opportunities

Ministers are needed in two different areas, the RCIA Team or by being a Parish Sponsor.


RCIA Team members help the Pastoral Associate direct the process through interaction with participants and their parish sponsors. RCIA Team members periodically share the Gospel with the participants during 9:00 Mass, help with retreat experiences, and foster overall hospitality. Team members have a desire to help people grow in their faith and an ability to lead a small group in faith sharing.

RCIA Parish Sponsor

An RCIA Parish Sponsor accompanies a person through the RCIA process, is present at weekly sessions and provides ongoing support for the individual. Parish sponsors are confirmed Catholics who are willing to share their faith, connect with an individual in the process, and are open to learning and growing in their own faith life.


Contact Us

Jeff Kacala
Email: KacalaJ@stmaryhc.org
(414) 425-2174 Ext. 235