Parish Staff

Church Office: 414-425-2174
School Office: 414-425-3100
Individual phone extensions can be found below.

Pastoral Staff

Fr. Aaron Laskiewicz Pastorx242E-Mail:
John D'Alessio Deaconx241E-Mail:
Daniel P. Hansen Director of Administrative Servicesx216E-Mail:
Jim Clauer Director of Liturgy and Musicx239E-Mail:
Jeff Kacala Director of Discipleshipx235E-Mail:
Janice TreuteLaar Parish Administrative Assistantx220E-Mail:
Julianne Elouadih Youth and Young Adult Discipleship Coordinatorx246E-Mail:
Jess Panlener Child and Family Discipleship Coordinatorx249E-Mail:
Anne Wycklendt Bulletin/Communications Editorx240E-Mail:
Debbie Cottone Discipleship Administrative Assistantx247E-Mail:
Mayra Moreno Garcia Parish Accountantx221E-Mail:
Nancy Schwemmer Financial Administrative Assistantx223E-Mail:
HollyAnn Kulmann Administrative Assistant to Liturgy and Musicx234E-Mail:

Administrative Staff

Dale Webler Information Technology Directorx315E-Mail:
Jacob Burzynski Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisorx153
Paul Fisher Building Grounds and Maintenancex153
Sybil Grandeck Archivist

School Office

View full list of school staff
Mrs. Linda Joyner Principalx227E-Mail:
Mrs. Kim Jones Administrative Secretaryx225E-Mail:
Mrs. Mickie Mroczenski Administrative Assistantx228E-Mail:

Fr. Aaron Laskiewicz

"You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek" (Psalm 110:4). This was the psalm that was sung at my ordination and it is a piece of Scripture that I hold very dear. I am blessed to have been raised in a Catholic family. Ever since childhood, attending Mass, being prayerful, and doing what God asks was always very important. I was also blessed to have so many good examples in my life of how to live our baptismal call to holiness. This was really meaningful to me as I discovered my desire to become a priest. In fact, I wanted to become a priest ever since first grade. Since then, it has been all I have ever known.

My family and friends have been supportive along with my home parish, St. John Paul II, on Milwaukee's south side. One of the most influential figures in bolstering my faith, is my home parish pastor, Fr. Mike Ignaszak, who has been and still is, a great friend and mentor. Over the years of my formation, I have learned a lot about myself, and God, but one of the best things has been realizing more and more how active God is in my daily life.

I grew up on Milwaukee's south side, the only child of Roy and Barb. Many of my mom's family members live in the area; so, I was always surrounded by aunts, uncles, and cousins. I attended St. Helen's grade school, graduating from Holy Wisdom Academy, which is now St. John Paul II Parish School. From there, I attended St. Thomas More High School, graduating in 2008. Following high school, I studied Philosophy at UW-Milwaukee for five years earning a Bachelors Degree in 2013. In fall of that year, I began my seminary studies at St. Francis de Sales Seminary and was ordained a priest on May 19, 2018.

A few of the joys in my life are being with family and friends, and sharing a meal. Some of my fondest memories are just being together with important people in my life, and sharing and laughing about different things. It is true that I am a devout Packer fan. So, if the Packers are playing at noon, and I have the 11:00 am Mass, I can promise you a short homily!

I love my job! I love being a priest! Two of my favorite aspects of priesthood are celebrating the sacraments, and spending time in the school with the children. The sacraments allow a priest to enter into people's lives at critical moments both joyous and challenging. That is a privilege for which I am very grateful. I have come to love teaching in the classrooms because there is such great opportunity to impart the faith and also promote vocations. Our children are the future of our Church, and to play a role in their formation is a great joy.

Being appointed Pastor of St. Mary Parish is a tremendous blessing. Our parish has an over 180-year history beginning with the Irish immigrants who settled here. Fr. Patrick O'Kelley was the Milwaukee area's first resident priest and the first pastor of St. Mary Parish. There have been many good and holy priests who have followed in his footsteps and I am very grateful to be one of them.

I am excited for the years ahead as together we continue to build the Kingdom of God, serve one another, and grow in holiness.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x242 E-Mail:

John D'Alessio

Bishop Skilba (may he rest in peace) spoke to my deacon class of 1998 at our ordination retreat, which was attended by our wives, also. He said, "If you want to quit, see me first and we will talk. You are permanent deacons for life." This caused a bit of a stir with some of the wives; however, eventually they were fine with this. My family was very supportive, especially Antoinette, my wife, as well as my mother and siblings.

I grew up on Milwaukee's east side, the oldest of eight children of my mother Marietta and my father John, Sr. (I am proud to be John, Jr.!) I attended St. Francis DeSales High School Seminary in 1963. After two years I left, not wanting to be a priest, and graduated in 1967 from Shorewood High School. "That spiritual feeling", however stayed with me. I attended college part-time for a while and then took a position with The Travelers Insurance Co. I studied for more than three years, and eventually became a financial planner and received my equities license.

In 1992 I visited with my good friend, Fr. Ralph Gross and he introduced me to the Diaconate, stirring within me that spiritual feeling that had been there all along. I started my diaconate studies in 1994 and was ordained in 1998. I continued studying for two more years and received my Marriage Faculties and Preaching Faculties. During my six years of study I took advantage of any extended classes, evening and summer. I was involved with social justice activities for several years. I did my Clinical Pastoral Education for Chaplaincy at Aurora St. Luke's for three months and my Residency for one year at Aurora Sinai in downtown Milwaukee. I have been a chaplain since 2000. I was also involved with some Italian community groups and Festa Italiana since about 2000 as well, and have been a member of the Whitnall Park Rotary Club for many years.

Now I am extremely happy I can minister to others in different ways. Wherever God points, I will go. I am thrilled to be a part of St. Mary here in Hales Corners. I look forward to many years with you.

Peace and all good things!

Phone: 414-425-2174 x241 E-Mail:

Daniel P. Hansen
Director of Administrative Services

Dan and his wife Melissa, have been members of St. Mary Catholic Faith Community since 2007. They have three children all of whom attended St. Mary Parish School. One is active in our Catholic Formation High School program and the other two are adult members of the parish. The Hansen family is passionate about the parish's Scouting BSA programs and are all active in the Venture BSA program for boys and girls, ages 14 to 21.

After twenty-six years as a commercial banker, serving the needs of family-owned companies, Dan joined the St. Mary Parish Staff as Director of Administrative Services in July of 2017. In this role, Dan is responsible for the parish's facilities, finances, human resources, information technology, and cemetery, as well as the Parish Office. Dan is an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Business - Finance and Business Administration. He remains active with the Board of Directors of the Independent Business Association of Wisconsin and the Leadership Team of the Business Administrators Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x216 E-Mail:

Jim Clauer
Director of Liturgy and Music

Jim came to St. Mary Catholic Faith Community in May of 2023, bringing many years of experience. He has served as a musician, liturgist and campus minister at several large parishes in the Midwest. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Jim began his church career accompanying the choir at the age of fourteen at St. William Parish (Waukesha), the parish he grew up in. In 2006, Jim became the Director of Worship and Music at Holy Family Parish in Shorewood, Illinois. During his tenure he saw the parish through massive growth, from 800 families to over 3,500 families within three years, before serving as a Campus Minister at Joliet Catholic Academy.

Jim is a graduate of St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with an Academic Minor in Music for Liturgists. In addition to his work in music and liturgy, Jim has directed retreats for various parishes, as well as been a presenter for diocesan events. In 2012, he was a recipient of a Catechetical and Youth Ministries Recognition Award for the Archdiocese of Chicago.

When not making music at the church, Jim remains active with community theater groups and local schools, accompanying and directing for musicals and concerts.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x239 E-Mail:

Jeff Kacala
Director of Discipleship

Jeff joined the team here at St. Mary in 2015 as the Director of Youth Ministry and now serves the community as the Director of Catholic Formation, with a focus on adult formation and sacramental preparation. Ask Jeff how he is doing and you might hear I have never had a better day. This reflects the joy he has for being a disciple of Jesus Christ and helping others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jeff and his bride Laura have four children and five grandchildren who they delight in spending time with. They reside in Greenfield, and enjoy woodworking, gardening, and home improvement projects.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x235 E-Mail:

Janice TreuteLaar
Parish Administrative Assistant

Phone: 414-425-2174 x220 E-Mail:

Julianne Elouadih
Youth and Young Adult Discipleship Coordinator

When Julianne told God she would go wherever he sent her, it resulted in her moving to Wisconsin from Rhode Island to join St. Mary Catholic Faith Community as the Youth Evangelization Coordinator. Her responsibilities include coordinating formation, ministry, and service opportunities for those in grades 6 through 12. She earned her BA in Theology from Assumption University in 2013 and her MA in Theology with a Catechetics Specialization from Franciscan University in 2020. Julianne has been involved in ministry since her undergraduate years during which she participated in Campus Ministry and served on the Campus Ministry Core Team. She has experience in many different areas of ministry with all different age groups. This includes serving on retreat teams, leading prayer and discussion groups, teaching religious education and RCIA, volunteering for parish youth ministry, serving on a parish council, working on a temporary basis for the Diocese of Providence Office of Faith Formation, and serving as an Assistant to the Director of Religious Education. She also has professional experience in substitute teaching, customer service, and corporate banking. Some of Juliannes favorite activities in her free time include fitness, cooking, traveling, and being outdoors.

Julianne agrees with Pope Saint John Paul II that Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure, and she loves to accompany the young people of St. Mary as they walk with God, grow in relationship with him, and discover the beauty of this adventure in their own lives.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x246 E-Mail:

Jess Panlener
Child and Family Discipleship Coordinator

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Jess grew up nominally Christian and became Catholic after her best friend tricked her into coming to events at St. Paul University Catholic Center at UW-Madison, from which she graduated with degrees in Dance and Religious Studies- through the Center for Jewish Studies- in 2014. Her story is one of being endlessly pursued by God and is summed up by St. Augustine, who says our hearts are restless until they rest in You.

After graduating from Madison, Jess served as a pastoral intern at St. Paul's, then went on to earn a Masters degree from Marquette University in Historical Theology, specializing in the first centuries of the Church. While studying, she married her husband, Mike. They eventually moved to Wausau for Mikes career and Jess commuted to Marquette for a year while studying for comprehensive exams. She has served in Catholic high schools as a theology teacher and campus minister, as Director of Discipleship at St. Charles in Hartland, and most recently as the pastoral associate for Sacred Heart in Racine, where she directed the Family Faith Formation program. She has also freelanced with the Office for Worship, offering workshops on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and assisting with ordination Masses.

Jess and her husband, Mike, have three kids - Matthias, their personal saint, Clare, and Michael. While not working in the vineyard, Jess enjoys baking, spending time outside with her family, and enjoying all that Milwaukee has to offer. She agrees wholeheartedly with St. Josephine Bakhita when she says in Gods will, there is great peace.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x249 E-Mail:

No Photo AvailableAnne Wycklendt
Bulletin/Communications Editor

Anne joined St. Mary Parish not knowing anything about its extensive history or rich faith life. Over time she has been drawn into a deeper relationship with, and feels blessed by the many parishioners she has met. Her background is in art and graphic design, and she enjoys collaborating with parish and school staff and parish organizations in communicating, promoting, and publicizing the life and special events of the parish community.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x240 E-Mail:

Debbie Cottone
Discipleship Administrative Assistant

Debbie is thankful for the opportunity to become the Administrative Assistant for Catholic Formation at St. Mary Parish. She has been a longtime parishioner of the church and in January, 2022 had decided to come out of retirement to fulfill a need to serve our Parish. Debbie has worked in the financial industry for over forty years and she hopes that her past experiences can help provide excellent customer service to our parishioners and staff. In addition to assisting Catholic Formation, she will serve as the parishs Safe Environment Coordinator.

She and her husband, Greg have been blessed with three daughters and nine grandchildren. Most of their free time is devoted to watching football, basketball, soccer and dance recitals that their grandchildren participate in. Creating memories with them is very important to Debbie and Greg.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x247 E-Mail:

Mayra Moreno Garcia
Parish Accountant

Mayra is excited to join St. Mary Parish as the Parish Accountant in which she is responsible for the Parish and School's Finances, Payroll, and Human Resources. Mayra earned her Accounting Degree in 2015 and has been working as an accountant since then. As a Catholic, she feels blessed to be given the opportunity to work in a very welcoming Catholic Community. In 2024 she joined the Business Administrators Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Mayra is eager to take on this new journey in her career and hopes to grow not only professionally but also spiritually.

In her free time, Mayra enjoys time with her son at the park, at the movie theaters, going bowling, going swimming, and on any other adventure that comes their way.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x221 E-Mail:

Nancy Schwemmer
Financial Administrative Assistant

Nancy grew up in Brookfield and graduated from Carroll University with a degree in Elementary Education. She has been teaching for several years in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. When her children were small, she worked as a computer science teacher, taught STEM classes, and Lego Robotics. She and her husband have three adult children who graduated from Pius XI High School. Nancy has a good eye for details and is happy to serve at St. Mary.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x223 E-Mail:

HollyAnn Kulmann
Administrative Assistant to Liturgy and Music

HollyAnn grew up in Milwaukee, attending St. Alexander Parish School followed by Pius XI High School. She graduated with a degree from Marquette University and went on to work in many industries. She and her family love being members of St. Mary Parish and School. She is inspired and thrilled to serve this beautiful community.

Phone: 414-425-2174 x234 E-Mail:

Dale Webler
Information Technology Director

Dale is a retired IT professional with over forty years of experience in various IT technical and management roles. He started volunteering in the IT department at St. Mary in 2010. Currently he is a part-time employee filling the role of Information Technology Director. He works with our teachers and staff to provide quick responses to problems; to provide a stable technical environment; and to plan for future technical infrastructure and classroom technology improvements.

Dale and his wife, Mary Jai have been members of St. Mary Parish for more than twenty-five years. They have two children, Stephanie (she and her family are St. Mary parishioners) and John. They also have five grandchildren: Maddie, Bryce, Nolan, Elijah, and Ethan. Ethan is a graduate of St. Mary School.

In his spare time Dale enjoys photography and amateur radio hobbies, and as he puts it: of course, I enjoy playing my part as the geek squad for the family.

Phone: 414-425-3100 x315 E-Mail:

Jacob Burzynski
Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor

Phone: 414-425-2174 x153

Paul Fisher
Building Grounds and Maintenance

Phone: 414-425-2174 x153

Sybil Grandeck

Sybil serves as the St. Mary Archivist - a continuation of her duties while employed in the Parish Office years ago. She researches inquiries from people interested in their families connection with St. Mary, usually commencing with a question if an ancestor is among the 1100+ burials in our historic cemetery. These initial inquiries lead to tracing families for generations and often finding formerly unknown connections.

Among the major projects Sybil initiated and maintains is the indexing of all available sacramentary records from 1844 to the present day and completing the index of our cemetery for the Archdiocese. She also serves as a Eucharistic Minister, weekday lector, parish festival worker, and Prayer Shawl minister. She especially enjoys spending time with her husband, Michael E. Jedrzejewski, their cat, friends, raising Monarch butterflies, and gardening. She highly encourages you to see our Archive Case near the Information Center for a presentation of historic items and a very interesting chronicle of our wonderful Church.

Phone: 414-425-2174

Mrs. Linda Joyner

I am thrilled to be a part of the amazing faculty and staff at St. Mary, serving as principal. It is both a privilege and a challenge to follow in the footsteps of someone as remarkable as Dr. Mark Joerres, a recipient of the Vatican II Award and a truly exceptional individual. Despite the somewhat daunting task of filling such large shoes, I am eager to carry forward Mark's incredible work and to continue advancing the mission of our parish and school based on the strong foundation he established.

I am looking forward to the months ahead when we can get to know one another, but in the meantime here is a little bit about me. I was born and raised on a farm in southern Iowa. I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Iowa and my masters degree at Marquette. My husband Jeff and I moved to Wisconsin (he is from Racine) shortly after we were married. We live in Sussex and have two daughters. Our oldest, Meghan, lives in Jacksonville, Florida and our youngest, Danica, is heading off to Purdue this fall to study engineering. When I am not working, I enjoy reading, cooking, gardening, taking long walks with our dog, and spending time with family.

Phone: 414-425-3100 x227 E-Mail:

Mrs. Kim Jones
Administrative Secretary

I am excited to be part of the St. Mary Parish School Staff as the school's Administrative Secretary. I have been an avid volunteer for over 14 years and have been a parishioner for over 25 years. Both my daughters have attended St. Mary Parish School.

I have volunteered on many committees as a board member: Endowment, Home and School, Principal Advisory, Parish School Board. I have volunteered as a Girl Scout Leader, aid in the classroom, room mom, playground and lunch room duty, as well as office helper. I enjoyed every minute, being able to be with the girls and work with some amazing families and staff.

My husband, Jeff, and I have two children: Jenna and Julia. I enjoy being part of my daughter's new adventures and spending time with family and friends.

Phone: 414-425-3100 x225 E-Mail:

Mrs. Mickie Mroczenski
Administrative Assistant

I am thrilled to continue my role as Administrative Assistant at St. Mary Parish School. I have been a parishioner for over 30 years and all 3 of my children have attended St. Mary School. I take pride in being part of a hard working, dedicated staff and having the pleasure to meet so many wonderful families and their children over the last 30+ years.

I am a graduate of the University Of Wisconsin LaCrosse with a BS degree in Recreation and a minor in Psychology.

Family and friends are extremely important to me. I value the time spent with my husband and 3 adult daughters, my son-in-law and 2 grandchildren. In addition I enjoy time spent up north, traveling, exercising, shopping and reading.

Phone: 414-425-3100 x228 E-Mail: