Life Teen is for High School Teens

 Welcome to Life Teen at St. Mary!



Our Mission:

To boldly proclaim Christ and make disciples of high school teens and families at St. Mary.

Our Vision:

We strive to lead all high school teens and families at St. Mary to encounter and respond to Jesus so as to become saints and missionary disciples.  We accomplish this through relational ministry, catechesis, prayer, the sacraments, Christian service, and a joyful witness to the beauty of a lived relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

We so are glad you are here, and we are excited to journey with you as you grow in relationship with God. 

High school aged teens participate in Life Teen on Sunday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.  Life Teen is a Catholic ministry that leads teens to a deeper encounter Jesus Christ.  Life Teen helps teens to grow in discipleship, build community, and strengthen their prayer lives, while empowering them for mission.  Teens meet in a large group with peers and trained core team members, break off into small groups for part of the evening for activities and discussions, and come back to pray together before the close of the evening.  Each Life Teen session incorporates a message, small group discussion, prayer, and fun.  To help teens build community and find a home here at St. Mary, they journey together with the same small group throughout high school while having the opportunity to grow in relationship with all adult core team members and peers within the large group setting.












Contact Us

Julianne Elouadih
Youth Evangelization Coordinator 
(414) 425-2174, ext. 246