Athletics Overview


Athletic Overview:

The primary purpose of the St. Mary Parish Athletics Program is to provide an extension of the Christian educational experience. The St. Mary Parish Athletics Program is designed to provide enjoyable extracurricular activities for children and teach the fundamentals of sports. The program strives to develop self-worth, sportsmanship, discipline, sound judgment, and physical well-being.

Sports Offered:

Soccer Grades: 5K-8; Boys and Girls
  Season: September – October
  Team Size:  Grade 5K-1: 8 player minimum
    Grade 2: 9 player minimum
    Grade 3: 10 player minimum
    Grades 4-8: 11 player minimum
Volleyball  Grades: 5-8; Boys and Girls
  Season:  September – October
  Team Size:  6-15 players
Basketball Grades: 5-8; Boys and Girls
  Season: November – March
  Team Size: 7-15 players
Track: Grades: 5-8; Boys and Girls
  Season: March – May
  Team Size: No minimum or maximum
Futsal: Grades: 5K - 4, Boys and Girls
  Season: April - May
  Team Size: 5 player minimum; No maximum



St. Mary Athletic Association provides an extension of the Christian educational experience. Any student who is enrolled at St. Mary Parish School or a child whose family is a registered member of St. Mary Parish and is enrolled and actively participates in St. Mary Christian Formation Program can participate in this program. This program is part of the Archdiocese sports programs and follows all regulations set forth by the Archdiocese.

Athletic Philosophy: 

Grades 5K-4 sports are designed to be recreational. Grades 5-8 are competitive.

All Students will conduct themselves as ladies or gentlemen, in a Christian manner at all times, before, during and after practices and games.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and/or including suspension or dismissal from the team.  Since players represent St. Mary Parish all school conduct rules apply at all times.

St. Mary Hales Corners Parish parents and student spectators are expected to exhibit the highest level of sportsmanship at all SMHC Parish sponsored athletic events, both home and away.  Parents, students, and fans that display “unreasonable” or unsportsmanlike conduct toward referees, players, and/or other spectators will be asked to leave SMHC Parish events.  If a parent refuses to honor this request the family will be dropped from the St. Mary Parish Athletic Association program for the remainder of the season for that particular sport.  Continued unsportsmanlike conduct at SMHC Parish athletic events may result in further actions deemed necessary by the SMHC Athletic Board and/or School Administration.

Only students enrolled in St. Mary Parish School or children of registered St. Mary Parish members actively participating in St. Mary Parish Christian Formation classes may participate in St. Mary Athletics.



Step One
Speak directly to the Coach and/or specific Sport Coordinator

Step Two
Contact Athletic Director - Sarah Dooley

Step Three
Complete Parental Concern Form (to be provided by Athletic Director). A committee of Athletic Board members will review, investigate complaint, and make recommendation to be reviewed by Fr. Aaron and Principal Joerres.

Step Four
Pastor and the Principal make final decision.


If the final decision is not acceptable to the parent(s), they are entitled to reach out to the Sports Director of the Archdiocese; however, they must notify the Athletic Director and Principal Joerres prior to contact.

St. Mary Hales Corners Royals
43rd Annual Basketball Tournament

Current Schedules:
Basketball - Parkview (5-8 boys, 5-6 girls):
Notre Dame - Don Boscoe (7th & 8th girls only):

Click for more information about each sport offered:



Athletic Signup:

Sign-up for St. Mary Athletics by clicking HERE
Soccer & Volleyball : July 15th
Basketball: September 15th
Futsal & Track: February 15th 

Volunteer Opportunities and Information

Athletic Director

Sarah Dooley

Athletics Board Members


Additional Athletic Information: 

Athletic Handbook

Physical Examination Form
(5th-8th grade only)

Gym Locations

Reimbursement Form