Royal Affair
This year’s Royal Affair is being held at Greenhouse No. 7 at the Mitchell Park Domes on March 8. Our silent auction will go live on Sunday, March 2 and close the night of the event. You can register to preview and bid on the silent auction items that include jewelry, trips, family experiences, Truly St. Mary events, sports, concert and theater tickets and so much more here:
This event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors!
Thank you for your continued support!
The Royal Affair is St. Mary’s annual, multi-faceted fundraising campaign. Our goal is to raise funds to benefit our much-loved school and our amazing students. As our largest fundraiser, the Royal Affair offers many community-building opportunities and furthers our mission of educational excellence.
St. Mary's Royal Affair Page
Wish List
Sponsorship Information
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