Book and Writing Electives and Clubs
To create a lifelong love of reading and writing.
Goal of the Book Club/Elective Program
The book club began in September of 2014, for 6th and 7th grade students. The students read a variety of books “just for fun” and have discussion over lunch. The goal is to get amazing books in the hands of students and help them build a lifelong love of reading! Since then, the Book Club has now become an elective for middle school students during certain trimesters, and may be offered as a club during trimesters when it is not an available elective.
Goal of Positive Press, the Writing Club/Elective Program
The writing club began in January of 2020. Students became journalists and interviewed individuals or covered events that make a positive impact in our school or the surrounding community. The club allowed students to use their creativity and to be introduced to great role models with qualities they may want to emulate. The articles written by the students were published in the Royal News, our weekly parent newsletter. Since then, Positive Press has become an elective offered to Middle School Students during certain trimesters, and may be offered as a club during trimesters when it is not an available elective.
Open to students in 6th - 8th grades