School Hours
Grades 3K Full Day through 8:7:15: Doors Open
Supervision of students begins at 7:15 a.m. We are deeply concerned with the safety of every child in this school. Safety procedures and rules are taught in each homeroom. The need for safety extends beyond the school grounds. The home and community must share, with the school, the responsibility for maintaining safety standards. We must request that parents do not send their children to school any earlier than necessary.
Those students arriving after 7:45 a.m. must report to the office before going to their respective homerooms. These students are recorded as tardy. If the late arrival is due to a bus delay, students will not be marked tardy.
Students are to leave the building by 2:40 p.m. unless they are working with a teacher. In these cases, the teacher is responsible for the students. Each student will call home if he/she stays after school. A student may stay after school only with the approval of the parents. Students who have missed the bus or are waiting for parents to pick them up, are to wait in the school office. Because there is no after school supervision, it is highly recommended that parents use the After School Program. Scout groups and athletic teams are to go to their respective meeting places and meet their leader. All leaders are responsible for supervising their members.