Subscribe to School Calendar

You can add the St. Mary School calendar to your personal device. As events are added, deleted, or modified they will automatically be updated.

Google Account

  1. Log into your Google Account on your device.
  2. Open up the St. Mary School calendar on your device
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on the Google Calendar icon: Google Calendar Icon
  4. Click on "Yes, add this calendar"


  1. Open up this web page on your iPad/iPhone
  2. Copy this address:
  3. From your iPad home screen, go to "Settings"
  4. Click "Mail, Contacts, Calendar"
  5. Click "Add Account"
  6. Click "Other"
  7. Click "Add Subscribed Calendar"
  8. In the "Server" field paste the address you copied above.
  9. Click "Next"
  10. Click "Save"


  1. Open Outlook
  2. On the Home screen, click "Open Calendar"- "From Internet"
  3. Copy and paste this address into the empty box:
  4. Click "OK"
  5. Click "Yes"